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Marketing Libraries

  One of the most popular ways to promote a library’s fiction collection within the building is through a  series of themed displays, changing to fit with current events, holidays, and trends. This is a great way to  show off what books you have in your collections, especially if you’re housing books that are popular or  recognizable. A display can even be a terrific way to highlight those books that can often get looked over  in the general fiction collection, like graphic novels, diverse books, and niche sub-genres.    These book displays are perfect to target folks once they’ve crossed the threshold into the library, but  part of marketing is attracting new patrons as well. You cannot expect to build a great display and  have people flock to it if they don’t know about it in the first place. Facebook can be a great way to  reach out to the public, especially those who might not be regular users. It’s not necessarily easy to  build and maintain a big Facebook policy, but it’s certain

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